SAFE: Saving Animals From Extinction


What is SAFE?

AZA SAFE – Saving Animals From Extinction – is a new commitment by the 230 accredited zoos and aquariums to harness our collective resources, focus on specific endangered species, and save them from extinction by restoring healthy populations in the wild. SAFE combines the power of zoo & aquarium visitors with the resources and collective expertise of zoos and aquariums accredited by the Association of Zoos & Aquariums and partners to save animals from extinction. Together we are working on saving the most vulnerable wildlife species from extinction and protecting them for future generations.  (If you’re not sure what it means to be AZA Accredited, please visit this page for more information.)

Why Zoos & Aquariums?

  • AZA-accredited zoos & aquariums already spend a combined $160 million a year on conservation of animals in the wild.
  • We have thousands of veterinarians, scientists, and animal care professionals with the expertise to help endangered species.
  • A proven track record: 30+ species, including the American bison and California condor, have been brought back from the brink of extinction because of the work of accredited zoos & aquariums and our partners.
  • We have more than 600 Species Survival Plans already in place.
  • 180 million Americans visit AZA-accredited institutions each year – and public support for conservation efforts is vital to our success.

How is the NEW Zoo & Adventure Park involved?

  • The zoo raises money for SAFE-approved conservation projects by:
    • Selling Conservation Tokens in the Paws & Claws Gift Shop and by asking zoo visitors  to “round up for conservation”
    • Hosting the “Brew at the Zoo” fundraiser event (new in 2016!) where all proceeds will benefit conservation
  • The NEW Zoo is partnering with other AZA facilities to conserve African Penguins, both here at the zoo and in their native habitat in South Africa. More details about this exciting effort will be available soon!
  • The zoo incorporates SAFE messages into our educational programs and offerings, including our free summer presentations
  • The zoo has developed (and continues to develop) SAFE graphics displayed around the facility
    • Our goal is to not only teach visitors about the SAFE program and how AZA zoos work to protect species, but to also teach visitors what YOU can do to make a difference
  • We continue to develop new ways to promote, explore, and support SAFE. Stay tuned for more news and information in the near future!

For more information about SAFE, visit this page here.


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