By symbolically adopting an animal with the NEW Zoo & Adventure Park, you’re not just helping with the care and feeding of that animal – you’re also supporting the NEW Zoo’s conservation and education programs! Every adoption is valid for a full year from the date of purchase. We ensure gifts are packaged with care for shipping and will even include your personalized gift message upon request.
Adoption Packages

Please note: Expected time for fulfillment and delivery is 10 to 14 days
Who will you adopt?
- African Lion
- African Penguin
- Albino Alligator
- Bald Eagle
- Giraffe
- Monkey
- Red Panda
- Red Wolf
- River Otter
- Snow Leopard
- Any Species (See list below)
Adoptions make it easy to show your support for your favorite animals, both here at the Zoo and around the world.
Adopt Today!Got questions? Please email our Adopt an Animal team at
NEW Zoo & Adventure Park List of Current Species
List is subject to change. Endangered Species are indicated by the *’s (Critically Endangered species have **). Threatened or Vulnerable species are indicated by +’s.
- African Lion+
- Alpaca
- American Bison
- American Elk
- Badger
- Black-footed Ferret*
- Black-tailed Prairie Dog
- Blue Duiker
- Bobcat
- Canadian Lynx
- Long-tailed Chinchilla**
- Cotton-topped Tamarin*
- Domestic Goat
- Domestic Rabbit
- Domestic Rat
- Giraffe*
- Guinea Pig
- Japanese Macaque
- Moose
- North American Black Bear
- Prehensile-tailed Porcupine
- Red Panda*
- Red-rumped Agouti
- River Otter
- Snow Leopard*
- White-tailed Deer
- African Penguin*
- African Pied Crow
- American White Pelican
- American Common Goldeneye
- Bald Eagle
- Barrow’s Goldeneye
- Black-necked Stilt
- Blue & Gold Macaw
- Burrowing Owl
- Common Crow
- Domestic Chicken
- Domestic Pigeon
- Emu
- Green-winged Teal
- Guineafowl
- Homing Pigeon
- Hooded Merganser
- Hyacinth Macaw+
- Laughing Kookaburra
- Northern Pintail
- Northern Shoveler
- Peafowl
- Pronghorn
- Redhead
- Red Wolf
- Rose-breasted Cockatoo
- Ruddy Duck
- Sandhill Crane
- Snowy Owl+
- Tawny Frogmouth
- Trumpeter Swan
- Whooping crane*
- Wattled Crane
- Wood Duck
- Albino American Alligator
- Aldabra Tortoise+
- Asian Leaf Turtle
- Ball Python
- Bearded Dragon
- Blanding’s Turtle
- Blue-tongued Skink
- European Glass Lizard
- Fox Snake
- Leopard Gecko
- Leopard Tortoise
- Red-footed Tortoise
- Red-tailed Boa
- Softshell Turtle
- Three-toed Box Turtle
- Amazon Milk Frog
- American Bullfrog
- Oriental Fire-bellied Toad
- Emperor Scorpion
- Plecostomus
- Cave Cockroach
- Chilean Rose-haired Tarantula
- Madagascar Hissing Cockroach
2025 Adopt-an-Animal Family
- Guardians
- Eleanor & Penny Kanzleiter
2024 Adopt-an-Animal Family
- Guardians
- In Memory of Linda Tropak
- Mary & Trevor Van De Kreeke
- Eleanor & Penny Kanzleiter
- In Memory of Jamie LaPlant
- Barb & Tom Florack
- Parents
- Kathryn Moureau
- Mary & Rob Iken
- Siblings
- Ahava Greenberger
- Bev Liebhauser
- Prevea Executive Assistant Team
- Emory Brzezinski
- Cousins
- Noah Delfosse
- Cliff Kasten
- Friends
- Noah Henry Klatt
- Finley Zeutzius
- Stephen Barlow