Zoo Camp Pick-up & Drop-off Info

Drop-off and Pick-up for Zoo Camp will be via vehicle. The procedure will be the same for both pick-up and drop-off. A Zoo Staff person will be stationed at the end of our Education Building driveway to meet you at your vehicle and help your child(ren) get to and from our Classroom. Images at the bottom of this page will help you know what to expect.

Summer Zoo Camps start at 8:45am and end at 3 pm. Drop-off begins at 8:35am.

Please do the following:

At Drop-off:

  • If you arrive prior to 8:35am, you may want to pull into the Zoo’s main parking lot and wait until the Staff person is stationed at the driveway. We will be unable to allow students into the room prior to 8:35am. Once you see the staff person arrive to the driveway (visible from the parking lot), you can proceed to the drop-off location.
  • *Helpful Note* If your child(ren) can exit your vehicle via the rear passenger side door, that will be ideal for this process!
  • Pull your vehicle to the right side of the road, just past the Zoo’s main welcome sign.
    • You will see cones and/or signs indicating this location.
  • Remain in your vehicle and roll down your front windows.
  • Zoo staff will ask for your child’s name, and confirm with you the Pick-up password or phrase you selected when you filled out the online release form.
  • Your child will exit your vehicle (Zoo staff will assist as needed!) and walk to our Classroom.
  • As you pull away back onto the road, you can then turn left into the Zoo’s parking lot and drive all the way through the lot, in order to go south on Reforestation Road. Do not try to make a U-turn after pick up/drop off.

At Pick-up:

  • Ensure that anyone who will be picking up your child knows the password/phrase you have selected.
    • Passwords will be required for pick-up.
    • Passwords are selected when you complete the online release form, which must be completed in order for your child to attend Camp.
      • Everyone who did not have a release form on file was contacted already this month. If you were not contacted by Zoo staff, then your form was already on-file from a previous zoo camp.
      • If you do not remember your password, we will confirm it with you at drop-off – don’t worry!
  • If you arrive prior to 3pm, you may want to pull into the Zoo’s main parking lot and wait until the staff person is stationed at the driveway. Once you see the staff person arrive to the driveway (visible from the parking lot), you can proceed to the pick-up location.
  • *Helpful Note* If your child(ren) can enter your vehicle via the rear passenger side door, that will be ideal for this process!
  • Pull your vehicle to the right side of the road, just past the Zoo’s main welcome sign.
    • You will see cones and/or signs indicating this location.
  • Remain in your vehicle and roll down your front windows.
  • Zoo staff will ask for your child’s name.
  • Zoo staff will ask for your family password/phrase.
  • Your child will walk from our Classroom to your vehicle. Zoo staff will assist children with entry to your vehicle as needed.
  • As you pull away back onto the road, you can then turn left into the Zoo’s parking lot and drive all the way through the lot, in order to go south on Reforestation Road. Do not try to make a U-turn after pick up/drop off.

Once your child is in your vehicle, we ask that you consider pulling forward on the street, remaining on the side, OR consider pulling forward and turning into the Zoo’s main parking lot to finish with buckling into car seats or otherwise getting situated. Pulling forward allows us to continue with the pickup process with the next family in line.



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